
Coding Languages, Experience and Samples

I am a web developer based in Cleveland, Ohio who is open to moving and remote projects. Clean, reliable code, Agile project management, focused work ethic and and good eye for graphic design help me build solid and engaging web apps.


  • I created a complete and interactive JavaScript interactive Cheat Sheet that is both a cheat sheet and full learning tool. Toggling between the Learn and Cheat Sheet modes shows or hides detail, making it a great tool for finding quick info and then expanding the detail as needed. 

  • My Interview Questions tool helps simulate a coding interview environment, with over 600 possible coding question randomly chosen and answers timed.  It is filterable, so we can focus on larger algorithm and data-structure questions, advanced questions or even just take basic questions. Code work areas are provided for working through big answers.

  • I designed and built this website from the ground up on the WordPress framework. This includes creating all of the visual elements and images (unless otherwise credited).

  • I frequently build little coding projects to explore some new territory or just for fun. Check those out here

  • Towards the bottom of this page are a few samples of my own code work and writing on various code-related subjects.

Do you need a dedicated and skilled developer for long-term employment or project-based contracts? Hire me by reaching out here.

Primary Skills:

  • JavaScript (core and REACT)

  • PHP (core and WordPress)

  • Agile Project Management

  • Web Design & Graphics

  • MongoDB

  • Node & NPM

  • Express

  • Axios

  • MySQL

  • CSS3 (core and SASS)

  • HTML

Secondary Skills:

  • Apache-based servers
  • Vue.js
  • GraphQL

  • FireStore

  • Google Apps Scripts

Set Data Structure in JavaScript

A Set data structure is used to store any number of values. Set considerations: Only values are stored (no keys) All values must be unique let myVariable = new set();   MORE q

Scope in JavaScript

In English, "scope" is defined as: "The extent of the area that something is relevant". In JavaScript, this definition holds, with one small adjustment: "The extent of the area that something is accessible". With this in mind there are two basic areas with which a variable can be contained and is accessible: globally and locally. Global Scope Variables with global scope are part of the global object. In a web browser, this  MORE q

Browser BOM

The browser BOM can be accessed by JavaScript. Here is a basic look at how JS can create "back" and "forward" browser   MORE q

Programming Methodologies in JavaScript

OOP uses inheritance, via super-classes and sub-classes, and structures code around "what something is". The approach is similar to packing everything each item will need in a box, then only pulling out what is needed when it is needed. Basic QualitiesOnly a few functions work on common data. Uses an inheritance model. Object state can be modified. Functions use side-effects. Three potential problems with an inheritance model:Sub-classes might only need (or perhaps should only use) one method, yet they still absorb all methods from the parent classes. There is potential fragility if changes to a super-class has unforeseen affects on a sub-class. The state of an object and function side-effects can become difficult to manage as projects get larger. Functional Programming uses composition, via an  MORE q

Prototypes in JavaScript

Every function in JavaScript has a reference type property called prototype All Objects created by this function carry that same prototype, though, technically, it is not   MORE q

DOM Access in JavaScript

The API that provides access to the Document Object Model and allows us to take control of parts of the document. For more info on what comprises the DOM, check out MDN's writeup. The example below performs multiple DOM manipulations. The CSS styling shown here can be done by the name (like .width(), for example) when available or  MORE q

Strict Mode in JavaScript

Strict mode can be turned on by the developer to run a variant of JavaScript in the browser. This variant uses different semantics to run JS code. Initiating this is as simple as writing: 'use strict'; One use case is as a temporary measure during development to uncover errors that would otherwise fail silently. In addition, if browser support can be  MORE q


A constructor is just a function that can be used to create any number of objects with the same properties. Constructor names usually  MORE q

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