Ultimate JS Cheat Sheet

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For information about this awesome tool, read on.

About the Ultimate JavaScript Cheat Sheet Tool

Utilizing multiple array methods, nested data structures and an assortment of other basic and advanced JavaScript, I was able to bring the the entire core JavaScript language into one interactive environment. Two modes, Learn and Cheat, allow us to use the cheat sheet either as a quick reference or instantly expand it for complete detail on a topic. There are two views as well Basic and Advanced. With this, just one click filters the page for beginners or long-time JS devs. A masonry display makes for quick visual topic search, and a readily-available organized list of topics out of sight until you need it. In addition to all of this, there is a custom search tool help us find any word everywhere it exists, and uses highlighting and jump-to points to quickly find what you are looking for.

Overall, I find this to be the quickest and most complete JS cheat sheet I have used. Perhaps others might, as well. I am always looking to improve this, so feel free to let me know any feedback; both positive and negative.

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