DOM Access in JavaScript

The API that provides access to the Document Object Model and allows us to take control of parts of the document. For more info on what comprises the DOM, check out MDN's writeup. The example below performs multiple DOM manipulations. The CSS styling shown here can be done by the name (like .width(), for example) when available or  MORE q

By on April 14th, 2020 in

Date and Time in Javascript

The Date() object provides the number of seconds from January 1970 UTC up to the moment it is invoked. The parameters of the function allow for formatting of the output.. .toLocaleTimeString(), .toLocaleDateString() and .toLocaleString() are   MORE q

By on April 13th, 2020 in

Forms & Validation

It is a good idea to perform basic tests on user-inputted data before sending it to the server just to make sure it meets basic standards. This is not, in any way, a substitute for actual security tests that must be performed on the server before consuming the data. Any code running in the browser can be altered, so truly protecting the server from malicious code sent via form data can only be done away from the  MORE q

By on April 12th, 2020 in

Global Event Handlers

ONE OBJECT TO RULE THEM ALL! OK, perhaps not "rule" them all, but certainly there is one object that makes it possible for near-total control of a web app. The Global Event Handlers Web API provides a globally-scoped object containing an assortment of event data from the document, Window or an HTML element. This can be user-interaction events, like clicking a button or moving to a different element, or programmatic changes, like a CSS animation that runs on page load. Notice of these events, as well as a large variety of important   MORE q

By on April 3rd, 2020 in

Events in JavaScript

While Global Event Handlers are actually a Web API, accessing these events are central to Javascript's usefulness. These events mark points of interaction from the user or programmatic changes to the document. All of this can be harnessed via JavaScript to provide both functional and visual manipulations that create a   MORE q

By on April 3rd, 2020 in